In Memoria

Hey there! I'm back with more crafting to share and sadly, a tale of woe. I suppose I'll give you a woe sandwich with crafting bread. The final fantasy 9 cross stitch is starting off with a hitch, a half hitch! I'm only kidding, there's no knots in cross stitch: Here's a sort of idea of the design, I threw it into one of the pattern makers that I talked about last week, though I had to break it into pieces to get it to work. This is not a big deal, I often work on multi-paged cross stitches. this one is a little more complicated than that though. The layering of the characters in the paint program I was using caused a few of the characters in the front row to get blurry. None of them in the final design will be blurry. I'm using the large picture as the template, for counting where to start the characters compared to the others and doing the title, which didn't get messed up by moving it around. Then I'll print out each character's pattern (or ...