Sometimes I Jest

Hey there, I haven't been in a heavy crafting mood in the last few days, so it seems as good a time as any to chat about what I've been working on through the heat wave. Ok, so it's not an atypical summer here, it's just that the heat has been sustained for weeks without relief. It's been hell trying to keep up my running and stay cool. I suppose I'm still just getting used to California summers again. So, I have a few finishes, a new WIP, some TDF spinning and some very fun news! First off: I finished my Lurid Socks! (the cat helped!). These are exciting! I tried to get them to match, but they're more like sisters than twins. I did my usual sock. You would think it'd get boring, but you're talking to someone who is playing FFIX for the third time in two months, so it's well established that I don't get bored doing things I enjoy. I started a new hat with some new yarn! This yarn is scrumptious! It's a new to me dyer, Ca...