Somebody go wake up Billie Joe!

Hey folks! It's almost October! how exciting! Well, only because the kids have a few weeks off starting next week and I'm so looking forward to having all the sleep ins. Zac's got a few days off this weekend, too, and I'm looking forward to those especially. His schedule has evened out, but he still has more overtime than he ever used to. I... well, I took a week off to play final fantasy 10. I was thoroughly enjoying it, but now I'm just about to the final part of the final bosses and I kind of don't want to. I probably would have to go get some of the ultimate weapons and it just looks like a lot of work. Before I got thoroughly wrapped up in new game, I was working quite diligently on the cross stitch, so we'll start there. Last I wrote, I was getting through the hair on Garnet/Dagger. Well, I ended up having to rip it all out because I miscounted where she went next to Freya. In fact I think I mentioned here that I should have made an extra ...