Maybe today, Satan

I've been crafting a lot in the week and a half since I posted last. Most of the things I did I actually foreshadowed in my last post. Socks, spinning, finishing stuff. So, let's get on it. In finishing stuff, I finished my sweater! And then knitting attacked. I don't know if you can tell. You, a person who also has shoulders. But there's something not quite right about the shape of this sweater. It's got a long narrow top. and most people aren't shaped like that. In fact, I didn't even notice until I was all the way to the end of this, but the picture on the pattern showcases what's wrong with the sweater. As written, the collar area is gapey. It's terrible. Here, I tried it on for you: Look how stupid that looks. Stupid designer. A friend on discord took a few ganders at it and said instead of ripping it out (my first choice) that I should take out the top 3 or so repeats of the raglan shaping and put the collar i...