Perhaps life *is* all cross stitching and knitting

It's been a few weeks and I've been doing a lot of good stuff! There's reading, cross stitching, some knitting and spinning. So, without further ado, I suppose I'll start where I left off last time. Pokemoning Progress! I finished page 2! Woohoo! At this rate I'll be done.. uh, in awhile. It's OK though. No one is expecting me to finish this any time soon. I keep thinking that I wished I worked on it more, but then again, I have a lot of fun things I've been doing and I like the idea of spreading my fixations around. I finished the first sock: The great fitting experiment is turning out to be a great success! I am well into the second sock, but Zac's on nights, so my knitting time is being usurped by youtube crafting. A few weeks ago I won a prize from one of my thread families. It was a stuffed moogle! I immediately put her on my bookshelf next to the tonberry and Vivi: And then I ordered yarn for making a chocobo. Had to be done. H...