New Year New Me

What a thing to write in :checks calendar: August. Welp! School has started once again and it feels like the beginning. All my phone alarms are set and I'm up in the early mornings again to get the kiddos off to their schools. A few bits of admin first. - my cat passed away while we were in Hawaii. really rather sad, she wasn't that old, but she was struggling for a little while there. No more kitty sneaking into FO shots all the time. we might get a new cat in the next little while, but not yet. - just a general name change thing. I might have obliquely referenced Toby as 'she' on here previously, but officially she's out as trans and she's changed her name to Millie. I'll be referring to her as Millie from now on. If you have anything negative to say about it, kindly keep it to yourself. thanks. and that's it for admin. We had a fantastic trip to Maui and Kaua'i. Two weeks of relaxation and fun. It was so nice to see my in-la...