Magical Cast-Ons!
Last I left you, I'd been Super excited about my new cross stitch project. I'm still really enthused and have worked on it every day since then.
One of my friends said this looked a bit like the caterpillar from Alice in Wonderland.
It's not the caterpillar from Alice in Wonderland, and if you'd like to guess what it is, Rorschach cross-stitch is one of my favorite games ever.
And speaking of Alice in Wonderland, I've still been working on my double knit scarf every day. I got to a point where I realized I ought to check my gauge. I mean, the scarf itself is not really that modifiable as far as length. And as I suspected, my row gauge is pretty far off. It's about 85% of it's intended length at this point. In the end it'll be a good foot too short. Which isn't great. But, being the creative nerd that I am, I think I'm just going to add motifs from the book. And here's the first planned addition:
I didn't want to give too much info away (it being a paid pattern and all that) but you can see the little door and the key, which due to unfortunate circumstances don't end up working out for little (big) Alice. Fortunately the book itself is rich in imagery and scenes that weren't included in the original scarf pattern. There does come a point where the direction of the scarf changes (so that both ends hang down right side up), so I'll have to take that into account when I add rows.
Honestly I was surprised that they didn't include the scene with the door behind the curtain. It's one of my favorite scenes of the book. In the scarf suddenly there's a wave of tears and there's a crocodile eating fish. Which doesn't really have anything to do with anything. It's part of the poem she can't remember, but doesn't explain why she's crying in the first place. This will both rectify that omission and add much-needed length. I have about 10 more inches of rows to add. I'll keep you posted.
Anyway. On Christmas morning I received four ounces of pencil roving from Zac and the kids as well as a sweater quantity of yarn, which is exciting. I definitely do not want to start a new sweater project while I'm in the middle of two others. But a small spindling project is not out of the question.
I hope you can tell that the fiber has sparkle! It's merino with a bit of silk, which I think will be smashing for a pair of socks. I am planning to do a three-ply and do some sort of a peppermint bark speckle. They'll make wonderfully festive christmas socks for next year.
And lastly, I'm Very close to being finished with those man-socks I shared last time:
Unceremonious pile of man-socks in my lap. I'm to the toe though! So they'll definitely be done (probably) today.
That's all the crafting that's fit to share these days. I'll be back soon to share more cross-stitch, probably the finished socks, and more Alice updates.
I hope you have a fulfilling and relaxing end to 2020. Let us look on to the future with hope and cheer!
And duck lips!
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