When in Doubt, Knit a Hat

We're about to enter the thick of everything.  I have movers scheduled, flights booked and I am ready.  But I still have some down time.  Starting this process so early has ensured that.  Unfortunately, I've been so stressed, it's really hard to settle myself.

I always have my sweater to work on, and I'm about 6 inches down the body.  I put that on hold for a few days to work on some mittens.  I had a pair of Chrysanthemum mittens that I made a few years ago.  The yarn was, I don't know, I think it was too soft.  Which sounds insane, but it was an odd quality.  And the mittens themselves, while beautiful, didn't really fit all that well.  So, when I was running short of dark gray yarn on the gold and gray socks I finished in January, I borrowed some from the mittens.

But that meant I don't have those ill-fitting mittens anymore.

A few weeks ago, I ordered some yarn to make more mittens.  I was going to do a different pattern, but these ones had a certain pull on me.  I actually made it pretty far on them:

When they went back to the frog pond:

That thumb gusset was not long enough.  even when I changed the increase pattern from every other round to every third round.  I was not happy with them at all.  And I don't know if you've heard, but I'm moving to California.

Not really the sunniest warmest location in California, so mittens will definitely have their place. I couldn't help but think that it wasn't really the time to go fiddling with mitten patterns.

Well, that left a hole in my knitting mojo.  I have plain vanilla socks I can knit (two pairs going actually) and my sweater.  But I wanted something new, something a little zesty.

As the title says, when in doubt, knit a hat.


I'm using some leftover DK Malabrigo yarn from my Gunship hat I knit last year.  It's really actually very nice.  There's a few plain rows, but it's keeping me on my toes in just the right way.

 I think, too, that I realized I hadn't finished anything in weeks, and a hat goes by real fast.  It's a great palate cleanser.

 Anyway, I'm hoping to update you guys in a week or so, but after that I may be MIA for awhile.

