C'est la vie (la vie)

Perhaps I'm not in the right headspace for posting, but it has been a week and a half, and things are happening.

Not a lot of things, mind.  It's sort of like last time, I have dabbled a little in quite a few little things.  So, without further ado, I suppose I should get to jabbing about them.

I've been enjoying daily spinning sessions on my drop spindle like I promised:

This was taken after the first day's session.

And here it is now:

So, maybe it doesn't look like a lot, but drop spindling is slow.  Especially when you only do it for 20 minutes at a go.  But progress is there!  Don't worry.  Plus, as the spindle fills up, it takes longer to see progress. ;)

Spinning is one of those things that multiplies. I had it in me to spin on my spindle, and then I ended up spinning on my wheel:

This is 100% polwarth I got from Greenwood Fiberworks over on etsy.  I was originally planning a traditional 3-ply yarn, letting the colors blend and barber pole, but I think I'm going to do a chain ply instead.  It'll end up 3-ply, but the colors will stay together.

And in further proof of spinning multiplying, I actually ordered another floof the other day.  I have officially lost my mind!  I have fiber to spin!  I definitely don't need another floof.  oh well!  (It hasn't arrived or I would share a picture!)

My house sold early this week!  And as celebration, I'm putting together the craft room of my dreams.  Ok, sort of?  When we moved I got rid of important storage pieces that were really getting on in years (and in fact broke as Zac was carrying them to the dumpster if that tells you anything) and so everything was sort of just put on the floor and on temporary surfaces.

I don't need to rationalize, I just need to show off my new craft hutch!  craft room phase 1:

It is actually perfect.  I am in love with it.  It is exactly the sort of thing I was hoping for.

In that little cookie tin are not cookies.  Isn't that disappointing?  If you are a crafter and you don't have an empty cookie tin filled with sewing supplies, are you even a crafter?

It's my hexie tin.  And my hexie project is going, well, rather more slowly than I envisioned.  I've only made about 25 of these babies:

And the careful counter will note that there's only 18 there, but I've made more that I haven't photographed. I'm aiming for 72 of these to make the bag I have in mind.

And lastly, my socks are coming along nicely!  A few more sessions and I'll have a new pair for April!

That's all there is of note happening in my crafty world! I hope next time I'll have something finished to show off (besides more furniture!)
