
Showing posts from May, 2021

Someone call me butter, cause I'm on a ROLL

 hey there!  I hope you're in the mood for more epic pokemon cross stitch progress pictures. I also have a new knitting WIP! Last time I posted, I was working my way through Mewtwo on page 4.  That page felt a little slow going.  There was a day or two where I didn't stitch much due to various obligations. but, continue to plug away, I did. I finished Mewtwo and Dragonite, and I started to fill in the gaps and do the rest of Aerodactle.   Then I worked on Snorlax's belly at Hazel's bequest. In this time, I actually managed to finish the first half of my May socks: I don't actually know that I'll be able to finish the second one.  At this point, I'm most of the way down the leg, but Zac's on nights for the next week and after that there's only 4 stitching days left of May.  It's possible.  Especially considering I found out that as well as dryer sheets, I'm also allergic to nail polish.  So, no more painting my nails, and therefore more knitti...

full on page 3

 Honestly, it feels a bit strange posting?  Not that I mind it, but do you all really want to see a thousand more pictures of pokemon? yes? Ok.   Last you saw, I had almost finished page 2 of the epic pokemon chart.  Well, bully for me, I finished it!   There's the left side of Garydos and the start of Kibuto.      I decided to take a panoramic view next.  You can see the rest of Dragonaire, and the beginning of Dragonite at the top of page 3!  This is a little over the halfway point of the top layer of charts.  Page 5 is the right-most top chart.   Then it took an interesting turn, for me anyway.  I started Kibutops (the brown face one in the center) and thought I was still limiting myself to one pokemon at a time.  Hazel hadn't pointed out that directly beneath large yellow Dragonite was Aerodactyle! I thought the purple bit was part of Kibutops!  So I was a little lost?  But I don't know what these creatu...

stitches get stitches

 Now that all my obligation stitching is out of the way, I have been spending as much time as possible on my pokemon cross stitching.  I also ordered a new tool! ETA: to fix picture. First photo is Dratini popping in to say HI HI! Then I gave him his tail, and started the skeletal work for Omastar: Omanite's evolutionary destiny.  Err, I actually don't know that's true, otherwise Pikachu from the shows would have evolved, yes?  Fun story, for me, when my daughter told me the name of the snail creature on the last page, Omanite, I imagine two things.  One, the snail saying "Omanite" and Ash saying "No, you're a snail." and then Omanite meowing in protest.  Too much Spongebob Squarepants as a kid, I imagine. XD   Somewhere in this point, I had to be realistic.  I was working from a bag of unwound thread (still in its packaging, I'm not crazy!) and I was winding floss every time I added a new color.  It was getting a bit old.  So, I gathere...