Off the cuff
Hey there! Things have been busy around here. Well, craft wise. I hinted at something major happening, and oh! but did it turn out much bigger than even I anticipated, but I'll get to that. First, the knitting! I managed to get myself down to two knitting WIPs in the last few weeks. That is, I finished Hazel's sweater, finished some socks, and I also finished a few other things. First things first, Hazel's sweater. Now, normally I don't have anything to say about an FO, but this time it went through some drama before it was finished. I had it all done a few days before, but the left button band was pulling badly. I wet-blocked it and pulled the band, but it was being disagreeable. So, I counted ridges. The band itself is 2x2 rib, so it's easy to quickly count pairs of stitches by counting the knitted ridges. On the side that wasn't pulling, there were 23, so somewhere around 100 stitches. On the other, there were only 17! I somehow missed ...