So thanks for that

 Life is moving along at a clipped pace!  The surgery was moved up to the early part of December so a lot is happening around here, mostly in my mind, to prepare.

I had to stop everything to crochet the world's coolest dude, Tom Servo:

Well, I've done his barrel body and part of his hover skirt, but I haven't gotten a picture of all that.  There's quite a bit of improvising for this. The pattern itself was the author's improvisation and well, it's not very thorough.  Adding to the complication, I'm using fingering yarn and the pattern is for aran(roughly double the thickness of fingering yarn).  I thought it would shrink down proportionately, but it did not. So, I'm letting a lot of the stress go and just having fun figuring it out as I go.

The sweater.

I knew you were going to ask me about that.

Well.  The blocking did not go as expected.  In fact, only 4" or so of the sweater was the gauge I was expecting it to be.  the rest was entirely too small. I suspected felting might be at play, since the cat fur was clump-tastic as fur, but alas it's just my gauge loosened as I knit.  The top part had a gauge of 6.5 stitches per inch and the gauge was meant to be 6 per inch. That adds up!

 So, while I was waiting for the sweater to dry so I could frog it (that is, rip it rip it rip it) I casted on the sleeves, bottom up.  I'm just going to work on it flat.  That way if there's more discrepencies I don't have as much work to frog.

So far I've done two sleeves. and I've frogged the main sweater after it dried.  I also casted on to the body and am about 4" into it. I'm doing the fronts and backs together for the body and will separate at the underarm and do some maths and continue the fronts and back separately.

It's a lot.  Hence the break to crochet Tom Servo.  Sometimes you need a robot puppet in your life.

That's really all that's going on in my world right now.  There were pictures of the sweater before I frogged it, but it'll only get your hopes up.  I didn't take pictures of the sleeves yet.

I probably won't be back to chat before the surgery, and I'll be spending time in the hospital with Hazel and will absolutely not be bringing stressful sweater projects for other people while I'm there.

There might not be a new post before the new year is what I'm saying.  So Happy Holidays! and Happy New Year if I'm not back before then!
