Knitting while I watch the world burn

Hey there blog, I keep thinking there's gonna be a good time to blog, or I'll feel it. I think I have the summer blues? or maybe it's just the political climate and loss of pocket friend just completely sucking the joy out of my life right now. I don't actually have an enormous amount lot to talk about or share. surprise surprise. But, there is some, so I'll get on it. I finished my Hawaii socks: Not a lot to share about it. This is the typical 64 stitch, eye of partridge heel. The difference is, I suppose in the way the yarn was dyed and sent to me. It's dyed and wound so that you have two perfectly matching socks at the end of it. It's a feature of Must Stash yarns, and I can't recommend them enough if you wanted to treat yourself. I think that I'm going to make a pair of shorties with the remaining yarn, probably give them to my MIL. Somewhere in there I casted on the hat that I spun that yarn for and finished it: This was a simpl...