Spoopy Season

 Hi friends!

So, I feel like I wouldn't have anything to talk about or share from the last few weeks, but I have had a flurry of things I've cast on, and some general life news to share.  So, here I am.

I'll start with the most exciting: life news.  We have a date for the final walk through! Barring anything popping up to change things, we'll hopefully be able to move in after the 10th of November!  Very Exciting!  I also got a picture of the finished exterior of the house, and the almost finished kitchen (mind these pictures are from a week ago, so progress has been made since then)

oh! It's Very Exciting!  I am excited that they put in not-grass for the front yard.  That will save us a not-a-small amount of effort pulling it out and putting in native plants.  I didn't get to choose the exterior colors or any of those features, but these look pleasant enough.

Moving on.

I dove back into final fantasy ten a few weeks ago, in an effort to actually win the game.  But it didn't go as well as I'd hoped.  I.. let's just say, final fantasy 10 is on my list, and leave it at that.  I probably will jump back into it in the next few weeks/months/whenever, to do more of the optional stuff at the end to make the final boss easier, but for now, I'll just say that they made the final boss too hard and I'm pissed about it, as a reasonable person who uses walkthroughs and still could not defeat him.

Disgruntled, I am.

 ETA: I did beat the game this evening.  THANK YOU SPEED RUNNERS.  THANK YOU!

In crafting stuff, yeah, that's why you're here!  Crafting!  who would have thought?  I have some fun exciting cast ons!

I started some spoopy witchy mitts a few weeks ago!

I've so far just finished the left one.  I have the right one to go, I haven't even cast it on yet.  oops.  It's cool, I'll get there.

The pattern is Moonlit Magic by Jacquline Rivera and the yarn is leftover scraps from my stash.  I'm excited about these, they are very cool, and involve some fun techniques, like the jacquard stranding technique I talked about in the very beginning of this blog.  I also opted for knitting them with double pointed needles instead of magic loop.

I think I've finally come to the conclusion that my tension in colorwork is much better with DPNs.  the floats are more easily managed, and I don't have to knit the work with the strands on the outside to keep them loose enough.

 I'm still working off and on on my birthday sweater.  It's coming along, but slowly.  Zac's been working a lot of evening shifts, so I have less time I dedicate to working on it.  That's cool.  It'll get done eventually.

And lastly! I cast on something entirely new.  and it's crochet!  Which is not my forte, but it's still exciting!

I'm working on an amigurumi Vivi!  Amigurumi is just a fancy name for crocheted dolls and stuffies.

The pattern is here . It's Very Cute.  I'm hoping I can make something that turns out cute.

It's turning into a whole thing though.  I'm not good at this sort of craft yet, and it hurts my hands to work on it for very long, so I'm afraid I won't get good.

Either way, I've gotten past the pants:

To the head even!  But I'm going to rip out and figure out how to deal with keeping the beginning of round at the beginning of the round.  If this means I have to count as I go every single round, so be it.

I have learned some new techniques, including stranding in crochet, a neat little bobble (which are much easier in crochet, I tell you what, and just general practicing of working in the round in various ways.

I'm looking forward to having a new little stuffy, to go next to my gnome or Tom Servo. ^^

That really is all there is to share.  I haven't had an enormous time to dedicate to crafting, since I was playing so much Final Fantasy X.  I didn't pick up the cross stitch again in this time.

I did draw a fair amount in the past few weeks. Not very good drawings, and really just a few minutes a day.  That fell off when the inktober prompts got annoying.

But here's what I've drawn since I last posted:

This is Yuna, doing a sending in Kilika near the beginning of the game.

A whale, somewhat inspired by the Big Lebowski.  You'll know if you've seen the movie, there aren't any whales persay, but there is whale song.
Inktober prompt 1 was gargoyle.

And this one wasn't from inktober, but I wanted to draw it anyway.  It's the sad luggage from Once Upon A Time in Hollywood.


And that really is all there's left to share.  I hope to finish Vivi (though I'm waiting on the proper blue to come in the mail, I ordered the wrong shade, but should be here on Friday) and I hope to at least start the new mitts.

Like I said, moving is imminent, but hopefully not nearly as stress inducing as moving cross country last year was.

