Tour de February

It's only been a few days, but I have some good things to chat about! I have a round up of finishes to talk about and a fancy new start. Good things. First things first: I finished my socks! These are nice. I luff them. Secondly, I finished my final fantasy 9 epic cross stitch! This finish feels really good. I love the way it turned out. I am.. mmm.. a little unhappy with the subtle back-stitching I added, but it's not really my forte and it's fine. I'm, well, I'm kind of proud of my work here. It was a lot of it-- from the drawing of the pixel art and the converting it to a design to the stitching itself. The stitching was almost the least of it, cause I can cross stitch just about anything. The title did get a bit long, but overall, it was an enjoyable cross stitch! I took a few hours in between finishing this and diverting my energies. I had a big job to tackle, and it directly involved floss. See, when I bought the 180ish ...