That's Most Unusual

I, uh, feel weird posting again cause it's been a few weeks and I don't have very much at all craft-wise to show for it. I know I said I'd spin. And I did. A little bit. Well, now that looks like a lot a bit, but I have 3 more bobbins to fill and since this happened I have done fuck all on my wheel. Shameful. And in fact, my drive band snapped when I was nearly done with this braid (this is 4 ounces of polwarth for the uninitiated/ forgetful among us). I was able to reaffix the ends together with a bit of fire and gumption, but looking at it, well, it's yellowing. And it's nearly 8 years old. So, I did the thing and ordered a new one. This isn't so strange. Wheels, like some other tools, have parts that are good for the life of it as long as you take care of them-- the wheel itself and all the wood and metal bits. And then there are the parts that wear out like the drive band and the footman ties and the leather bits. All part of wheel upk...