
It's been about two weeks since I last posted, and surprisingly a lot has happened craft-wise. I didn't think that it would be the case, seeing as how I've spent the last four days only stitching for about an hour in the evening after spending the rest of my waking time playing Final Fantasy 9. But, alas! I got a few tools in the mail, I finished a thing, started a thing, dabbled in a few things, and continued knitting on other thing. I suppose I should start with the finishing: I finished my shawl! It is So Scrummy! (blogger says this is not a word, but I assure you, it is). It's soft and warm and the colors are lovely. I love the way the singles yarn looks in lace and garter. It was exactly the project I needed to do in this exact time in my life. I love when things like this work out. The pattern was really simple, especially when I counted off my sets of rows. It was also both charted and fully written out, which I appreciate....