When knitting ATTACKS!

I don't know if you know this, but we crafters make mistakes. I know, shocking. We make ghastly ones that cause tears and frustration, and the call of frogs can be heard over the sobs of knitters (rip it rip it rip it). We make small ones we keep in the knitting, either to remind us of our own mortality, or with the knowledge that if someone looks at object from 3 meters away while riding a horse they'll never see it in a million years. If anyone points out we crossed a cable the wrong way, they're close enough to stab is all I'm saying. And sometimes, it's not us. It's the pattern or it's the yarn. And sometimes it very much is us. At the time of thinking about writing this post, I had two recent errors in mind to talk about. But I found a third, ghastly error to talk about, so you get three for the price of two. Last night I was merrily knitting on some self-striping socks for Hazel, my daughter, when I realized something was going wrong. And it wasn...