Stitch me up right!

Hey there! I've been busy stitching this past week! No knitting, surprisingly, this is all hand stitching in various forms. I worked on and finished the bag that someone commissioned from me. I sent it off to it's recipient yesterday morning. The second photo is a close-up of the embroidery that went on the front. I'm really happy with how it turned out. I don't have a lot to say about the project, although I do want to point out that it was one of the very best bags I've ever sewn. Everything lined up in ways that it usually is just a liiiitle bit off. So, I was excited to make such a thing for someone who would love it. (And who paid for it, sometimes I feel a little bit awkward making things for people when they're paying me. Let's call it Imposter Syndrome) And now you can see, I'm right back on gum, err, right back on cross stitching Pokemon obsessively. I was so obsessed with stitching on this that I almost regrett...